Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekend 6: Epoxy

We took most of the weekend off to go off-roading, but stopped by the house Sunday to lay down the first layer of epoxy.  The pictures came out dark because we closed the shades before we started, so we could leave directly after.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend 5: More concrete grinding

Now that the concrete had dried, we rented the grinder one final time to prime the concrete for the epoxy, and to give it some texture.  Then we thoroughly cleaned so we could put down the epoxy the following week.
Lacy getting in on the action

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend 5: Jed Ross stops by to mix some concrete

After grinding away what was left of our souls, research revealed that short of making a deal with the devil (if you have his contact info, please contact me privately), we would never get rid of the waffle pattern of death, so we decided to pour a new layer of concrete using self leveling quikcrete.  We cleaned the floor, primed it, and poured an 1/8th of an inch of concrete.  Special thanks to Jed Ross and Roy Hartstock without whom we would have been &#$%#.  After mixing and pouring 26 bags of concrete, we were 2 bags short.  Roy hauled ass to Home Depot got a few bags and saved our asses. Thanks Jed and Roy!

Just where a man should be ... bearfoot and squeegeeing concrete

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekend 4: Grinding

We grinded...

and grinded...

and grinded...

and grinded...

And we could not get rid of this $&% pattern that was stained into the concrete by the carpet mat!