Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend 5: Jed Ross stops by to mix some concrete

After grinding away what was left of our souls, research revealed that short of making a deal with the devil (if you have his contact info, please contact me privately), we would never get rid of the waffle pattern of death, so we decided to pour a new layer of concrete using self leveling quikcrete.  We cleaned the floor, primed it, and poured an 1/8th of an inch of concrete.  Special thanks to Jed Ross and Roy Hartstock without whom we would have been &#$%#.  After mixing and pouring 26 bags of concrete, we were 2 bags short.  Roy hauled ass to Home Depot got a few bags and saved our asses. Thanks Jed and Roy!

Just where a man should be ... bearfoot and squeegeeing concrete

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